2024 Annual Meeting Information
April 29, 2024
It’s that time of year again! Check your mailbox for information and proxy materials for the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting in Sitka.
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Harrigan Centennial Hall
330 Harbor Dr.
Sitka, AK 99835
9 a.m. (ADT)
Please take the time to submit your proxy. By promptly submitting your proxy electronically or returning the blue paper proxy you can help us avoid the expense of sending follow-up letters to ensure a quorum.
Soon, you will receive the following information in the mail:
- Annual Meeting Information Date, time, access information, and purpose.
- Candidates Candidate statements for each of the Candidates: Roxanne Drake-Burkhart, Lowell Frank, and Alyssa London.
- Shareholder Resolution 2024-01 Reduce the Quorum Requirement for SAI Shareholder Meetings.
- Corporate Proxy Return Incentive Submit your corporate proxy before the proxy deadline and receive $25!
- Annual Meeting Prizes Submit your proxy before the deadlines for a chance to win Early Bird and Electronic prizes.
- Questions Submit your question(s) for the 2024 Annual Meeting.
- Annual Meeting Documents Links to the Annual Report, Quorum Reduction Resolution, Proxy Statement, Proxy, Voter Incentive, Prize Sheet, Instructions to watch the Live Stream of the Annual Meeting, and a Question Card.
If you would like to review all voting materials and vote online before receiving your annual meeting packet in the mail, you can contact the office to get your PIN.
Vote Online
Notice of 50th Annual Meeting of Shee Atiká Shareholders
Shee Atiká, Incorporated (herein “Shee Atiká” or “SAI”), an Alaska corporation with an address of 315 Lincoln Street, Suite 300, Sitka, Alaska, 99835, invites its shareholders to participate in the Fiftieth Annual Meeting which will be held at Harrigan Centennial Hall in Sitka, Alaska on Saturday, June 15, 2024, beginning at approximately 9:00 a.m. ADT, for the following purposes:
- To hear a report on Shee Atiká’s operations for 2023.
- To elect three Directors whose terms shall expire at the Annual Meeting in 2027.
- To hold a shareholder vote on reducing the quorum requirement for shareholder meetings.
- To transact such other business as may be properly brought before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
The record date for the Meeting is April 5, 2024, and only shareholders holding Class A voting stock as of 5:00 p.m. ADT on such date are eligible to vote at the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. Shareholders with non-voting Class B stock may attend the Meeting, but will not be able to vote.
Class A Shareholders attending the Meeting in person will have the option to request and receive ballots following registration. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 15, 2024.
By: Norma J. Perkins, Secretary, Shee Atiká, Incorporated
Candidates for Election
Roxanne Drake-Burkhart
“My name is Roxanne Drake-Burkhart and I’m asking for your vote at our next Annual Meeting. I am Tlingit Raven/Dog Salmon and was born and raised in Sitka. My parents are Barbara Borgen (Sam) and the late Paul Drake. My grandparents were Jacob Sam and Andrew/Bessie Kitka (Kanosh). I have lived in Juneau since 1986 with my husband, Ted Burkhart, and together we raised our children Zachary and Stephanie.
My employment history has mainly been working for Inside Passage Electric Cooperative since 1995. I’ve held many accounting positions, including billing officer, senior accountant and presently controller. I’m responsible for oversight of all accounting functions, as well as all state and federal reporting. I’ve held other accounting positions at Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority, Sealaska and Klukwan Inc.
I would like to thank the shareholders that elected me to the Shee Atiká board seat in 2018. It has been an honor and privilege to represent our shareholders. One of the reasons I ran for the Shee Atiká board was to improve transparency both at the board and management level and to help provide better communication with shareholders. There are only four ways to communicate with our shareholders; quarterly newsletter, new shareholder portal and in person informational and annual meetings. Please reach out to the office if you need help receiving a newsletter or getting set-up for the portal.
I believe that our young shareholders pursuing a higher education should bring their knowledge back into the boardroom and run for an open seat. This is our corporation and we have very talented shareholders that could lead us into the future. 2024 brings new hope and a brighter outlook for our corporation.
As a current Shee Atiká Board Member, I would like to utilize my education and work experience for you and request your continued support at our next annual meeting.
Lowell Frank
“I am Lowell Frank, and I have had the honor of serving on the Shee Atiká Incorporated board of directors since May of 2021. Although there has been a great deal of progress made in the last three years I feel there is still much to do to ensure continued success and sustainability of the corporation. Shee Atiká’s business enterprises have begun to bear fruit, through the efforts and experience of the business team that management has put together. It is critical that we have a board that is knowledgeable and supportive in the for-profit business world in order that we can continue the growth in a sustainable manner.
My background is in the building material industry. I have managed lumber yards in Sitka, Salinas California and Rock Springs Wyoming. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from University of Phoenix, which I earned while working full time to become a manager of the lumber yard. I currently live in Puyallup, Washington and work for a building supply company, selling building materials to Alaska.
I have a personal connection to the corporation that goes deeper than simply being a shareholder, since my father, Nelson Frank was an original director and I personally witnessed early struggles to get the corporation off the ground, as well as the struggles to keep things going after incorporation.
I have been a recipient of educational financial assistance from Shee Atiká and am very grateful that past boards had the foresight to implement this program as well as other programs to benefit shareholders. In order for us to maximize the benefits we are able to provide our shareholders our business side must be profitable, sustainable and have the support of the board of directors.
Please give careful consideration with your votes, to help elect progressive, business minded board members to fill the available seats on the board to give Shee Atiká the greatest opportunity to remain on an upward trend for a sustainable and profitable future.
I am very excited at the prospect of continuing to serve on the board of directors and working with the rest of the board and management to pursue profitability and success for many years to come. I would appreciate your support to make that a reality.”
Alyssa London
“I am honored to be a candidate for the board of Shee Atiká, a corporation with a rich history and deep ties to our community. My journey with Shee Atiká began with a gift from my grandfather, Ernie Boyd, who had the foresight to enroll in the corporation and gift shares to his descendants. His mother, Lucille Boyd, moved the family to Sitka from Angoon after her husband Oscar passed, seeking solace and connection with relatives. This heritage grounds me in the traditions and values of our people, as an Eagle of the Killerwhale Chasing Seal House, with roots in Angoon, Sitka, and Ketchikan.
Known by my Tlingit name, Yáx̱ Ádi Yádi, meaning Valuable Child, I carry forward the legacy of my ancestors with pride and commitment. My education at Stanford University, tenure at Microsoft, and current role as a business owner and NBC/MSNBC contributor have equipped me with a diverse skill set that I believe can serve the interests of Shee Atiká and its shareholders.
During an interaction with the executive team when I conducted a training on culturally resonant self-introductions, I witnessed the corporation leaders’ commitment to its people and heritage. My deep professional experience working with tribal leaders and native corporations in marketing, communications, and storytelling can further this commitment by ensuring transparent communication with shareholders and effective messaging to the public and our business partners.
If elected, I will work diligently to uphold the values and integrity of Shee Atiká, fostering growth and prosperity for all shareholders. Thank you for considering me for this important role.”
Shareholder Resolution 2024-01 to Reduce the Quorum Requirement for SAI Shareholder Meetings
The Shee Atiká Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you VOTE “YES”.
Alaska law generally provides that a majority of the outstanding voting shares must be present in person or by proxy for there to be a quorum for a formal shareholder meeting. This can be a difficult standard to meet and if quorum is not achieved by the time of the meeting it must be postponed until a quorum can be achieved. The cost to achieve quorum or to postpone a shareholder meeting to achieve quorum can be significant.
Alaska law also permits Alaska Native Corporations, including Shee Atiká, to reduce the quorum requirement for their shareholder meetings to one-third of the voting shares. To change Shee Atiká’s quorum requirement, two-thirds (2/3) of the shares represented in person or by proxy at the 2024 Annual Meeting must VOTE “YES” on Shareholder Resolution 2024-01.
When voting on Shareholder Resolution 2024-01, you have the same number of votes as the number of shares of Shee Atiká voting stock that you own. All of your Shee Atiká voting shares must either be voted “YES” or “NO”, you cannot split your vote by voting some shares “YES” and some shares “NO”.
The voting on Shareholder Resolution 2024-01 is separate from the election of Directors at the 2024 Annual Meeting.
Please note that regardless of whether the shareholders vote to reduce the quorum requirement to one-third of issued and outstanding voting shares, this revised quorum requirement will not apply to the 2024 Annual Meeting.
Corporate Proxy Return Incentive
If your corporate proxy is received either by paper or electronically by the proxy deadline of June 13, 2024, at 5:00 pm ADT, and you meet all other requirements below, you will receive $25 by check after the 2024 Annual Meeting.
- Only voting shareholders of record at 5:00 pm ADT on April 5, 2024, are eligible.
- You must submit a valid proxy solicited by the Board of Directors (the “Corporate Proxy”) either electronically or in paper form. Your Corporate Proxy must be received by the Inspector of Election by 5:00 pm ADT on June 13, 2024.
- The Corporate Proxy must be valid for use with regard to the 2024 Annual Meeting.
- The shareholder must submit a Corporate Proxy with regard to all (and not just some) of his or her Shee Atiká shares.
- The Corporate Proxy must be the only valid proxy submitted by the shareholder for the 2024 Annual Meeting.
- In addition to the Corporate Proxy Return Incentive, shareholders can qualify for the Early Bird and the Electronic Proxy prize drawings.
- Each shareholder is eligible for only one Corporate Proxy Return Incentive, no matter how many times that shareholder submits a proxy. However, shareholders who submit proxies in different statuses (for example, once as to the shares he or she owns outright, and once as a custodian for a child) is eligible for a Corporate Proxy Return Incentive in each such status.
- The Corporate Proxy Return Incentive will be paid as soon as practicable after the 2024 Annual Meeting.
2024 Annual Meeting Prizes
Submit your Shee Atiká proxy for the chances to win Annual Meeting prizes.
Early Bird Prizes: Submit your Shee Atiká Proxy electronically or in paper form. Your Proxy must be received by May 27, 2024, at 5:00 pm ADT.
Electronic Proxy Prizes: Submit your Shee Atiká Proxy electronically at www.sheeatikavote.com. Your Proxy must be received by the proxy deadline of June 13, 2024, at 5:00 pm ADT.
$12,000 IN PRIZES
$7,000 in Prizes
- $2,000 Prize (1)
- $1,000 Prize (1)
- $500 Prizes (2)
- $100 Prizes (30)
$5,000 in Prizes
- $1,000 Prize (1)
- $500 Prizes (2)
- $100 Prizes (30)
Shareholders can be eligible to win one prize from each prize drawing!
- Shee Atiká Directors, Officers, Candidates, or any of their respective immediate family members residing with them, or staff members are not eligible for either the Early Bird or Electronic Proxy prizes.
- Only shareholders of record owning voting stock at 5:00 pm ADT on April 5, 2024, are eligible.
- For Early Bird Prizes: You must submit a valid paper or electronic proxy so that it is received by the Inspector of Elections by 5:00 pm ADT on May 27, 2024.
- For Electronic Proxy Prizes: You must submit a valid electronic proxy at www.sheeatikavote.com by 5:00 pm ADT on June 13, 2024, and it must remain valid for use with regard to the 2024 Annual Meeting.
- Shareholders can qualify for both the Early Bird and the Electronic Proxy prizes and can be eligible to win one prize from each drawing.
- The drawings for both the Early Bird and Electronic Proxy drawings will be held prior to the 2024 Annual Meeting. You do not have to be present to win.
You have 34 chances to win if you submit your proxy early PLUS an ADDITIONAL 33 chances to win if you submit your proxy electronically!
Have Questions?
Do you have a question for the 2024 Annual Meeting? If so, you can submit in one of the following ways:
- Go to sheeatika.com and submit a question via the Contact Us page providing the information below.
- Email info@sheeatika.com with the information provided below in the Question Card:
- Shareholder Name (first and last)
- Last 4 digits of Social Security Number
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Question
Although not all questions may be answered during the 2024 Annual Meeting, all questions will be answered directly by email/mail after the meeting.
Annual Meeting Documents
- Chairman’s Letter
- 2023 Annual Report
- Quorum Reduction Resolution
- Proxy Statement
- Proxy
- Prize Sheet
- Proxy Incentive
- Live Stream Instructions
- Question Card